


Our products are presented in the largest catalog of the world's auto parts manufacturers, TecDoc, in which our ZZVF auto parts brand has been awarded the status of "Premier Data Supplier", confirming the exact compliance of all our spare parts with the declared standards.
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Līgo / Jāņi

Līgo / Jāņi

24.06 - day off
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29.03 - 1.04 Days off
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Latvijas neatkarības diena

Latvian independence Day

20.11.2023 Day off.
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As summer comes to an end, it's time to think about preparing your car for the fall season. Once this is done, the transition to the winter season will be easier.

So where do we start?
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Tuvojas vasaras sezona

The summer season is coming

The summer season is coming, which means that now you can finally get your hands on bicycles that have already become dusty over the winter and enjoy trips with family and friends through beautiful forests, fields and national parks. We will tell you about where you can travel around Latvia in one of the following posts, but for now let’s see how you can transport your bike in a car.<br>
There are several ways to transport your bike in a car. However, they all differ in terms of convenience. Of course, the most suitable transportation method will differ for each car model. But we will try to consider all the options.
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Jūsu garāžā ir uzkrājušās nevajadzīgas lietas

A bunch of stuff in your garage leaves no space to park your car?

A bunch of stuff in your garage leaves no space to park your car?

Pretty often, our garage turns into a warehouse for the things that we couldn’t find a special place for. And the more it gets cluttered up, the more difficult it becomes to organize all this mess.
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Sodi par notriektiem dzīvniekiem

Penalties for hitting animals on the road

Penalties for hitting animals on the road

Unfortunately, one of the causes of road accidents, which is not very rare, is a collision with wild animals on the road. According to statistics, there are about 600 collisions of vehicles with forest dwellers in Latvia every year.
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